
Friday, October 16, 2015

My Dream Job: Want to Get Healthy, Fit, Help Others & Work from Home?? Sounds Too Good to Be True, Doesn't it?

When I feel like my life starts to go off track, there's always one thing that I rely on to help me find my way.... I pray! I remember, about 2 years ago, I had everything in the world that I had ever wanted and I still felt like something was wrong... something was missing. I was a stay-at-home mom, with 3 beautiful children and a husband who loved and provided for us all.
I wasn't sure what was missing, but I could just FEEL that I was supposed to be doing something bigger with my life. I wanted to feel like I was making a difference in the world, somehow. Being a mother was my ultimate dream come true, but as my fellow mommies probably know... you still need "YOU TIME". You need that time to yourself to focus on YOU for a change. We need to take care of ourselves and continue to find things that make us happy, aside from parenting. We all know when mom is happy, then everyone is happier, right!?

So, I remember that I was having a tough day at home with the kids and I just broke down and started crying. I was exhausted, overwhelmed, I felt guilty because I wasn't the happy, energetic mommy that I had always envisioned being for my kids and I felt lost. So I did what I always do and I prayed to God to help me find my happiness again. I knew something needed to change, but I didn't know how or what it was that I needed to do... so I left it in God's hands and hoped for some kind of answer!

The very next day, an old friend of mine messaged me on Facebook asking me if I was ready to join this health and fitness challenge group that she had been inviting me to for over a year. I told her the same old excuse that I always had and was like, "look... I WISH I had the time to workout and learn how to meal plan and set all these goals for myself, but I have 3 kids at home and DON'T HAVE TIME!!" I literally couldn't find the time to shower most days, so working out everyday was a joke!

Then she told me that there was actually a brand new workout, T25, by the guy that did the Insanity programs... the catch... ALL the workouts were only 25 minutes long! That's it! Okay... so the whole, "I don't have time excuse" was kind of out the window now. Because to be honest, after I put the kids to bed at 8pm every night, I sat up until 10 or 11PM watching The Kardashians or whatever other celebrity drama came on tv at that time. Hmmmm.... mayyybe I could find 25 minutes for me?! I didn't see how this was going to be as life-changing as I had hoped, but then she told me about something else that caught my interest!

She told me that I could actually become a 'Coach' and make some extra money from home by helping other people join me on my journey with this whole T25 and Shakeology challenge. Hmm... this is when the light bulb went off. This was when I remembered my breakdown from the day before. The tears, the feeling of being exhausted, knowing I was meant for something bigger for me and my family... that's when I realized that God was answering my prayer! I didn't hesitate for another moment. I told her to sign me up then and there and she did!

From that day on, I haven't looked back! I started the workouts and shakes about a week later, was added to a group full of some of the most motivating and inspiring women who were from all walks of life, at different points in their journey, with different goals and different workouts, but we all had one thing in common... we wanted to be better, inside and out, and we wanted to help pay that forward and help as many other people that we could along the way.

I can say, with 100% confidence, that I made the right choice that day to take a leap of faith and join this Beachbody family of mine. I also know that God put this opportunity in front me, just like I'm putting it right here in front of you, for a reason! I have changed so much over the past 2 years, not even just physically, but emotionally, spiritually, intellectually, socially... I have a huge, extended family full of positive, happy, like-minded people who I can totally relate to. We share our struggles, we share our successes, we change lives... starting with our own.

If coaching is something that you would like to know more about or you think that you'd be a good fit, then don't hesitate to shoot me a message. I will be doing a 5 day sneak peek on Monday so that you can learn all the details, ask questions, see how we make money and SO MUCH MORE, so be sure to let me know if you want to be added to the private group! smile emoticon