
Saturday, February 26, 2011

5 Things My Husband Does that I Love!

Okay, after reading my post from the other night, I feel bad for pointing out the little negatives about my husband to you all.  To make up for it, I decided to dedicate a whole post to highlight some of the little things that my husband does that make me love him more and more each day!

1. He warms my car up for me when it's cold outside (and even turns on my seat warmer).
Most of the time, when I have somewhere to be, I'm so busy running around trying to get myself and the kids ready that I don't even think to go outside and warm the car up in advance so that we aren't shivering for the first five minutes of the drive.  So when my husband's home, he will run out and start the car up, turn up the heat and even switch on the seat warmer for me.  It's the smallest gestures that mean so much to me.

2. Whenever he goes out to the store for something, he makes sure to bring me back a surprise.
This man loves to shop as much as I do.  He will go to the grocery store to pick up 4 things and come home with $200 worth of food, candles, name it, he got it.  But it's so cute because he will sit and take the things out of the bags one-by-one, explaining what it is and why he got it for me.  One night he even came home with tons of lotions, foot scrubs, a nice bottle of wine and my favorites... sour patch kids.  I'm pretty sure I even got a foot massage out of him that night.

3. He will try to chime in and act like he knows what's going on in my weekly shows.
I never can get him to sit and religiously watch my shows with me (which is probably a good thing, considering my favorite shows include Desperate Housewives, Gossip Girl and the Kardashian shows).  But he will stand over my shoulder and catch a few minutes of it and act like he's interested by either asking about what's going on or telling me something he remembers from a previous episode.  It's so cute that he tries to act interested in them, even though I know he could care less what's going on.

4. He loves to cook for me and the kids.
Cooking is one of those things that I'm still working on, myself.  I love getting new recipes and trying to make new meals, but I'm not that great at it yet.  And some days are just so busy and exhausting that I just can't seem to find the motivation to decide on dinner plans, so my husband glady offers to do it.  I'd say we split role of cook right down the middle.  But he's always happy to cook for us.

5. He holds my hand in public and will spin me around, pull me in and kiss me.
I was never that girl in high school that liked PDA (public display of affection).  But ever since I met my husband, he has done this with me.  It's like our little trademark move.  Our little mini-dance.  Gosh, I sound so corny, but it really is sweet and makes me feel like his princess.  Like he's proud to show me off as his.  I feel like every woman needs that little bit of romance in their relationship, even if it is something as silly and holding hands and dancing together.

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