
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

I think I finally found my dream "job" as a stay-at-home mom of 3!

Okay, everyone!  In case you can't tell by my blog remodel, I am so excited to announce that I have officially become a Team Beachbody "Coach"!  Now when I say coach, it's not what you may think!  I don't have to go to the gym, or pay for a really expensive gym membership, I don't have certain hours that I am required to work, and best of all, I don't have any kind of superior or boss telling me what to do.  I am my own boss!

 As a Beachbody Coach--my job, believe it or not, is simply to workout at home 25 minutes a day, drink my daily Shakeology, motivate my 'team' and inspire other's to join me in my challenge to get healthy and in great shape.  This is such a great opportunity for anyone and everyone who wants to become healthier, more fit and wants to make some extra income from home for their family in the meantime!  But I'm going to tell you now--if you're interested in starting up in this business solely for the money... it won't work for you!  And you aren't going to get rich overnight either... so forget about all that and just focus on getting in the best shape of your life and helping others achieve their dream body at the same time! 

The particular workout that I chose to do is the Focus T25 by Shaun T (the same trainer who does Insanity and some of the other popular workouts).  And the reason I chose this workout, again, is because I am a mother of 3 and hardly have time to shower most days, much less workout!  But I figured if I have time to facebook, instagram, tweet and blog, then I can find 25 minutes to workout! 

So as I wait for my challenge pack to come in the mail, I wanted to see if there's anyone out there who would be interested in joining me on this journey and joining me in a challenge group?  All you'll need to do is order your challenge pack from me, choose which flavor shake you prefer and then we can get started! I'm shooting to start the group right after labor day!  So if you order now, you'll get your package sometime next week and then after a nice, long three-day-weekend, we can get started!  I am a member of a private facebook group dedicated to the Focus T25 Challenge already, but if I can find enough of you out there to join me, we can make our very own group!  We can learn together, grow together and get fit together! On 

the days that we just don't feel like we have the motivation to get up and workout, we will have each other to help push one another and encourage our 'team'!  
Does this sound like something you may be interested in?  If so, please contact me and I can either get you more information or go ahead and walk you through the process of getting started!  Just make sure that if you do order a challenge pack, you order it from me so we can be on the same team!  I also have a coach who is helping me get started, so if there's anything that I'm not sure of at this point, I have her to help teach me the ropes so that you are getting the most knowledgeable information and answers to your questions!!  So comment below or message me if you are interested!  I'm looking to build a really great support group, make friends and get my booty in shape!  Whose with me???  :)

Click here to see a quick preview of Shaun T's Focus T25 Workout  Or if you want to browse around and see some of the other workouts, feel free to let me know if you find one that you think would be better for you! This is just the one that I chose to start off with since I don't always have an hour or so to workout at home.


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