
Friday, September 13, 2013

Be Stronger Than Your Excuses

Hey guys!! So the weekend is here and chances are, you may be too busy to workout. Now if you'd like to go for a walk or jog around the neighborhood or do a few of your own exercises, I say, GO FOR IT! But it's also a great idea, for those of you who have been working out all week, to take some time to stretch it out and recover those muscles. I am so proud of those of you who have decided to join my health & fitness challenge group
There's no pressure to participate, but I know each of you chose to join this challenge, because you have some sort of fitness goal or motivation and I just want to see you achieve whatever that may be! I also understand that life happens and we get "too busy" to workout! It wasn't until recently, that I made daily workouts a PRIORITY for me! I was "too busy" with the 3 kids, and by the time I found 10 or 20 minutes to workout, I was all out of energy and too tired to do anything! But the honest truth is... now that I'm finding time to workout, I have MORE energy!
I choose to take walks around the neighborhood with the kids, while they ride their bikes and play! I choose to pop in my workout DVD and have the kids jump around the room with me, instead of putting on cartoons and sitting like a veg, drinking my coffee while the kids stare blankly at the tv! haha And I know many of you work, have kids, kids sports, etc etc... believe me... I do understand! But you need to do yourself a favor and just find 10 or 20 minutes a day for yourself and for your health and so you can lose that weight you've been wanting to shed, or get that muscle tone you've been dreaming of! Think about it... we now have 9 MONTHS until summer/bikini season! So if you start working out NOW, you'll be rocking that bikini with confidence by June! I love you guys for doing this (or even considering doing this) with me and I hope I can help in some way! Where you guys at? Whose still up for the challenge?  Don't give up!

And for those of you who would like to join one of my monthly challenges, you can APPLY HERE and I will get in touch to help you find a program and meal plan that will help you reach your specific goals! :)

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