
Monday, December 9, 2013

Be your own SUCCESS story!

Since becoming a Beachbody Coach, I have heard more amazing success stories than I've ever heard in my life! I have been amazed at the number of men and women in my challenge groups over the past 4 months, who have literally changed their entire lives with the help and support of others, just like me (and you), finding a fitness program that works for them and by telling themselves, "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!" 

Until you realize that you must make a serious change in your health and fitness routines, then most likely, you will not achieve your health and fitness goals!

But let me tell you... when you're in an online support group with 20 other people who are in the same boat as you, striving to lose weight, get healthy or tone up, it's much easier than trying to do it alone!! The motivation and support that these people share with one another is seriously heart-warming!  Whether someone makes a post about how happy they are that they finally gave Shakeology a try and have the energy to play with their kids again, or maybe it's the woman who finally dropped those last 10-15 pounds after having a baby, and finally feels confident about her body again!!

I promise you, that this company, these products and most importantly, these "coaches" (who are just regular people like you and me who want to help make a difference) are serious life-changers!!  And on that note, I want to extend a personal invite to you, to join in on my next group that will be starting right in time for you to tackle those New Year's Resolutions!!  I promise it will be worth your while and as a group, and me as your personal "coach", we will reach your goals!  I've got the tools, support, motivation... so all you need is your determination to reach your goal and the commitment to stick with us along the way!! 

Are you in??  Message me if you want me to hold your spot, because with New Year's and the release of P90X3, this group is going to fill up QUICK!!

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