
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Year, New You!!

What are your New Year's Resolutions this year????

Since about 80% of people's resolutions have to do with getting healthier (which I resolve to do as well) and getting in shape and/or losing weight... I wanted to invite you all to join me and my amazing group of people on your 2014 journey towards getting healthy and fit!!  This is ALL done on your own time, from your own home and we have an online accountability group, where you check in after workouts, keep up with our healthy recipes and meal plans that are provided for you and post any challenges, concerns, or motivational quotes, great recipe finds, etc!!  Pretty much anything goes, but the bottom line is-- we are all there for each other along the way!  Since many people start strong on January first and then quickly lose motivation and momentum... this group is to keep you on track and make sure that you're not one of those people that gives up and throws in the towel after a month or so.  I will be your free coach and I will help you along the way as well!! My "job" is to help you achieve your health and fitness goals, no matter what they may be!  Maybe you need to lose the extra baby weight that you put on, or maybe you've been struggling with weight issues all your life and have just never found anything that works for you, that you can really see results from and you lose hope.  Well not this time!! I promise we will do this together and YOU WILL SUCCEED!

It's an easy formula:

Fitness + nutrition + support + rewards = Success

So on that note... this group is very popular with the New Year coming up, so I've only got 3 spots left to fill!!  If you're interested in filling one of these last few spots, then please either comment below and say "I'm interested!" and leave me your email, or you can simply email me at!  The sooner you decide to commit and make this change for yourself, the sooner I can get you all set up and ready to get that body you've been dreaming of, but just haven't had the time or energy to get started!! :)

I can't wait!!  2014 is going to be a BIG YEAR for a lot of us!!!! Whose in???

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