
Friday, February 21, 2014

Gender Reveal!!! Is it a boy or a girl!!??

So the other night, I made this post on facebook about how my oldest son told me how he thought that the new baby would be a girl, because he had been praying to God everyday for another little sister:

How absolutely precious is that? I was so happy when I heard him say this... it even brought little tears to my eyes, but I was afraid of how he was going to feel if in fact, we went to our appointment later this week and found out that it was going to be a boy.  I know he would be excited either way, but he was so sure that it was going to be a girl.  There was absolutely no doubt about it, because he had been asking God everyday!  And I love that at the young age of 5, he has a relationship where he talks to God everyday.  To me, it has always been important to raise my family with faith and good morals.  I am so proud of my babies and grateful to have been blessed with such an amazing family.

So, anyways... today was the big day!!  We had our 20 week sonogram appointment to check up on baby #4 and make sure all is well and find out whether we will be adding another girl or another boy to the family. I want to start off by saying that baby looks perfectly healthy.  Organs are good, length and weight are right on track, heart rate is right around 138 and there was plenty of movement going on during the sonogram.  

Okay, so the the exciting news that you are all waiting to hear!! 

It's another GIRL!!!!  ... Pete's prayers were answered! :)

We are so excited to add another baby girl to the family.  I was kind of hoping for another girl, just so my daughter could have the experience of growing up with a sister.  I have 2 sisters and wouldn't trade it for the world!! It's definitely a bond like no other!! So the fact that all of my children will know what it's like to have a brother and a sister, is really neat to me! I never knew what it was like to have brothers, until my sister got married and I joined the Laiti family.  I now have 4 brother-in-laws, who I consider to be my brothers! 

Such an exciting day!!!!



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