
Sunday, March 30, 2014

Looking for a way to make money from home? Online internship beginning soon! Apply here to join my team!

This opportunity has seriously been a complete life-changer for me. As a stay-at-home mom, I found that while I absolutely LOVE being with my children each and everyday, I was missing something in my life.  I couldn't quite figure out what it was, because I was living the "dream" that so many mom's wish they could live. But then I realized that my entire life totally and completely revolved around them, my husband and the cleaning, cooking, folding... all of that fun stuff that comes with being a wife and stay-at-home mom (or working mom for that matter).  I wasn't taking any time to improve myself, work towards any goals of my own, or even take care of myself, physically.  

I had always been pretty active when i was younger.  Working out was a part of my identity.  Setting goals and going after them was my motivation... whether it was sports-related, school-related... you name it, and I was pushing myself to achieve it!  So as a mom, all of my goals were actually now goals for my kids or goals to catch up on laundry and have a clean house.  And while those are great to have... I think we tend to neglect our own personal needs, as a mom.  We see it as being selfish, but in reality, we need to find that time for ourself!  We need to have personal goals and ambitions for ourselves... and our kids! I was losing my identity as Crystal and only living out my Mom identity! That is, until I finally agreed to try out this Beachbody Coaching Opportunity. 

This opportunity has opened so many new doors for me! I've met so many new, amazing, inspiring people... I've learned to reach out and help others achieve their goals and helped other mom's just like me, find a way to get back in shape while also providing extra income for their families.  I know that was another difficult thing for me as a stay-at-home mom... was not having my own money.  Yes, I know my husband's money is my money also, but it's been such an amazing feeling to be able to earn my own spending money, or buy my kids presents on their Birthday's with money that I earned! 

So this is where I'm asking you... does this sound familiar?  Or maybe it doesn't, but you'd really like a way to earn extra money from home while being your own boss and not having someone tell you what to do and when to do it.  If you're interested in learning more about this opportunity or are ready to jump in and start learning now, just fill out an application so I can get an idea of what interests you most, how I can contact you and when you're ready to get started!  I look forward to hearing from you and can't wait to find my next superstar coaches to rock this biz!

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