
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Don't Feel Like Working Out? Can't Find Time? Need Accountability? My Advice 3 Months Post Partum:

Poll time:
What is your #1 reason that you don't workout regularly or can't seem to stick to a workout program, gym routine or whatever you have tried to do for regular exercise?
A. I don't have time
B. no accountability (I need someone who will make me feel like I have to do it and stick with it everyday)
C. I don't know what kind of exercises to do or how much of it to do in order to really see any results
D. Other (give your reason below)

I know what I always struggled with most, in the past was B (accountability!!!). I grew up doing gymnastics and cheerleading and had pretty strict coaches who were ALWAYS pushing me, testing me, checking up in my progress (or lack of it at times) and once I had kids and was on my own, I found it hard to motivate myself to workout regularly, because there was absolutely no one that I had to check in with or be held accountable to... No one would even know if I got my workout in or skipped it each day, except for myself...

That is why I LOVE having my challengers join me on this journey of mine!! They hold me just as accountable as I hold them! Today was one of those days where I didn't get a lot of sleep last night, it was rainy (for like the 5th day in a row!) and I knew all day I just wasn't going to be able to find the motivation to push play and workout!

But then I began to see all of my challengers posting their sweaty workout pics or just saying how great they felt that they got their workout in for the day and I could t be the one to have to post and tell them that I just couldn't fit my workout in today!

So at 7pm, I put in my T25 DVD, gave it my all and was so proud if myself afterwards! I told my group that I almost skipped today, but I didn't want to let them down!!

Okay, so that's my rant for the night!! I'm all pumped up now and feeling accomplished! It's the little things...

And if you find that you also struggle with accountability and want to learn more about my private online challenge groups and free coaching, click here and check it out!

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