
Monday, February 16, 2015

How to Lose Weight And Get Bikini Ready the Healthy Way!

When I started my journey to a healthier version of me, it wasn't that I was necessarily way overweight, I was just UNHEALTHY! You probably wouldn't know it just from simply looking at me, but my body was taking a beating. I was so wrapped up in taking care of everyone else (especially my children), that I put all of my own needs on the back burner. We tried doing the whole gym membership thing, but with multiple kids, it was exhausting just packing them all up, signing them into childcare and then the whole time I was working out, I felt guilty and was worried about how my kids were doing (because half the time, my son was crying and reaching for me as I dropped him off and said "PEACE OUT"... this mama's time!!)

Now, I get to do my workouts from the comfort of my own home and my children are actually able to watch, learn and look up to me as a role model when they see me putting my health and fitness as a priority! The fact that some days THEY are the ones that motivate me and remind me to 'PUSH PLAY' on my workouts, brings a huge smile and sense of accomplishment to my heart! I'm not just doing this for ME, I'm doing it just as much FOR THEM! heart emoticon

Right now, I am paying it forward and helping other women and mom's get started NOW, & they are SO PROUD of themselves!

I'm opening up my next Challenge Group in about 2 weeks!
We START on March 2nd ... So you have PLENTY of time to decide OR re-arrange some $ in your budget.

If you have some stubborn areas, baby weight or just want to lose some weight and tone it up with spring right around the corner, then this group is for you!

Just a heads up:

1. You have to INVEST in yourself and at least meet me halfway! If you are not going to commit to a healthier meal plan then don't waste your money.

2. I'm only selecting 15 ladies TOTAL! I like to get to KNOW my challengers and really be available to HELP them one on one!

3. If you don't already have a Beachbody fitness program (P90X, Insanity, T25, 21 Day Fix) you have to invest in a program/shakeology and while I wish it was's not. {$140-$200 which includes a fitness program, online coaching, and a month supply of one meal/day you'll replace}

4. The Challenge is 21+ days and if you stay committed, we will talk about the next step!

To be considered for the challenge go to: or fill out the form below:

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