
Thursday, February 13, 2014

DIY Creative Kid's Art! Great for Valentine's Day, Mother's Day or Father's Day gift, too!

So, since my husband's Birthday happens to land on February 14th (my sweet Valentine baby), we usually don't go all out for the occasion! I think when I first met my husband, I seemed to have a slight problem with the idea of not getting completely spoiled and getting treated like a princess on Valentine's Day! (what a spoiled brat...I know! lol)  I mean, what girl doesn't like to feel extra special on Valentine's Day though, right?! 
How precious are these? The kids' gifts to Daddy!

Well, since meeting my amazing husband and starting a family, I've become much less selfish over the years! I put myself in my husband's shoes for a change and realize what a bummer it would be to have to feel the need to spoil someone else on YOUR one special day of the year!  So, I no longer expect anything on Valentine's Day, and I'm totally fine with it.  That is HIS day and it just makes it that much more special that it falls on the one day of the year that everyone feels the need to express their love so outwardly! What better combination of holiday's to celebrate all in one day, right?!  Celebrating the birth of the man who I've chosen as my one and only, on the one day of the year where everyone celebrates LOVE!! What a perfect combination!!

So, now with that being said, I'm a very special woman to have found this guy! Because not only has he been selfless and also bought ME gifts on HIS birthday over the past couple of years, but he still wishes me a Happy Valentine's Day also!   (Now some people may think, well YEAH... he should at least acknowledge it for you)... but I can honestly say that I've gotten to the point where I really wouldn't mind if he didn't.  I always have a tad bit of guilt when he gives me a gift on his day, because it's not like I share my birthday or buy him gifts on my birthday... but I think what has happened over the years, is that we both have really grown in this relationship and realized that to share love for each other, no matter how or when we show it, is beneficial for us both.

Valentine's Day, after all, is just one of those Hallmark holiday's, made up to make people stop and take that extra time out to show love for that special person in their life.  But in reality, and in a marriage especially, that's something that you and your spouse should be trying to do on a daily basis.  I'm not saying you have to buy gifts and cards and candy for each other everyday, but just showing simple gestures of love to the other person can really make all the difference in a marriage or relationship!  To me, something as simple as my husband throwing in a load of laundry and bringing the basket of clean clothes up to the bedroom for me to fold is better than any Hallmark card.  Or him coming home from a long day at work, seeing that I'm exhausted from chasing down the kids all day and calling in a Pizza for dinner, so I don't have to stress in the kitchen and cook for everyone... It's the little things each day that we do for each other to show that we love and appreciate the other, that make me happy and grateful to have such a great guy in my life... (but I won't lie... these chocolate covered strawberries with heart sprinkles from Edible Arrangements sure did earn him some bonus points today! haha)  But strawberries or not... I love him with all my heart and hope that he has the best 30th Birthday tomorrow, ever!!  He deserves it!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY, VALENTINE!


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