
Monday, February 17, 2014

New Episode of The Bachelor tonight!!!

Okay, so I know a lot of people dread Monday's, but I personally look forward to them, because I enjoy watching my show, The Bachelor!!  While I'm not a huge fan of Juan Pablo's womanizing ways, I do enjoy looking and listening to him.  And there's just something about a good, drama-filled reality show about a bunch of women fighting over some guys that just seems entertaining to me. Or sometimes, I just dream about someday taking an amazing vacation with my husband to one of the fairytale destinations that they get to travel to! Cut Juan and his date, paste me and my hubby... now we're talking! One day... one day...

Anyways, I wanted to repost this fun Bachelor Workout Game that you can do while you watch the show this evening.  Then you don't feel like a complete couch potato!  It would be even more fun if you had someone to do it with you (but my husband REFUSES to watch this show... although, I think if he gave it a shot, he would probably enjoy it more than me... I mean, after all, it is a bunch of attractive women showing off their best assets, pulling all their moves, trying to "win" this guy's heart!)

Anyways, if you decide to give it a try, I'd love to hear your comments about it below!! :)

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